

PULL seeks to shift the mobility culture in Panaji- from the use of motorized vehicles to slow mobility alternatives such as cycling and pedestrianization. PULL is also working to make Panaji’s streets more inclusive which involves making them walkable, accessible and safe for residents across gender and age groups. PULL’s interventions have the potential to ensure that city streets are people-friendly, and also promote a low-carbon trajectory for city growth and development.



Recommending solutions to make Panaji’s streets safe, inclusive and accessible for female pedestrians

Implementing a cycling pilot and scale up plan to improve physical health, mobility and mental well-being as part of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs’ Cycles for Change program

Building a pedestrianization plan to make Panaji a walking-friendly city in line with the national Streets for People vision

Developing a framework for a Non-Motorised Transport Policy to help Panaji achieve sustainable mobility